Thursday, July 24, 2014

Photography & Journaling - Getting to Know Faith

I've signed up for a free week online class with Beryl Ayn Young.  It is called Radiate: Exploring Shades of Me - Mini Class.  You can find it here:  I must admit that I am behind in the course, thank goodness it is online and I can go at my own pace.  This class focuses on self-exploration from behind the lens of a camera.

I signed up for this class for a number of reasons.  First, I thought it would be a good thing for me right now. I know I need to re-focus after losing Faith.  While I will always hold Faith in my heart, I know that I have to keep living and do my best to help others.  I have always loved nature.  I also have really enjoyed photography in the last handful of years.  My father is a professional photographer, so growing up I was used to watching him, posing for pictures, etc...

I believe going through this course will help me to some way feel closer to Faith.  I think one of the most difficult things for me about losing her is that I didn't get to know her.  Although, in a way, when I think about it, in my heart, I do know her.  She is my daughter and my husband's daughter.  I know me and I know him, so in a strange way, I do know her.  I just realized (while typing the last sentence), that the more I focus on learning about myself, I am, in essence, getting to know Faith more.  As I continue to grow on the earth, I believe she is growing in Heaven and I will immediately recognize her when I arrive.

I look forward to completing this class and will update you as to how it goes...continuing on my journey...

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