At first glance, the mother holding her newborn son seemed to have a great view...however, she could have experienced a loss prior to him and by just looking at her yesterday, I would not know...
The other people in the waiting room...based on what was said by one gentleman that the guy pushing the wheelchair of the mother having a "fun job", I would guess that he is ignorant to the other side of this man's job when he must push down a mother who is leaving without her child.
There were others in the waiting room with me, and I cannot help but wonder what they were thinking and feeling during this moment in time. Without talking to them, there is really no way to know. I know that even though I was holding back tears, no one except me knew that and they wouldn't have known why unless I conversed with them, which I did not.
I guess my point is simply that I have no way of knowing if anyone else there had experienced a loss similar to mine or not. As I go about my everyday life, I will try to remember that as I honor Faith. You never know what someone has just gone through when you come across someone...in traffic, in the grocery store, at work, anywhere.
I often think of that sad day when my husband and I came home from the hospital without Faith. To an onlooker, we were just two people riding in a car, stopping to get something to eat at the drive-through If you were not our close friends or family, just by viewing us, you would have no idea what we had just been through and were going through at the time. I do my best to live my life this way now, in honor of Faith.
Keep that in mind as you go about your day.
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